Arguing Politics Over the Dinner Table

clipped from

B1: "Oh please, you can't expect her to know how to run a country just because her husband did."

G: "Excuse me? In addition to being former first lady, she had performed admirably as New York senator."

B1: "That's debatable."

G: "So is Obama's experience level. Not to mention the question of his patriotism."

B1: "Oh don't bring up this Reverend Wright crap again. If every politician were held responsible for the words of his associates..."

G: "Or her associates..."

B1: "They wouldn't..."

G: "This was not an associate. This was his pastor!"

B1: "Right! This was his pastor! Not him! Not his words! You want to talk about personal accountability? How about all the 'misremembered' stories Shrill is spreading around the campaign trail?"

G: "Oh, and you have a perfect memory?"

B1: "I'm not running for President!"

G: "Well, Bush did and look what happened."

B1: "Why are you bringing Bush into this? I didn't vote for Bush. I wasn't even born yet!"

G: "My point is, it's time for men to stand aside and let a woman show America how it's done."

B1: "Then why aren't you bashing McCain too? He's a man. You know why? Because he's white!"

G: "Oh, please!"

B1: "He's white, and Barack is black, and you're a racist!"

G: "Well, you're a chauvinist!"

B1: "At least my candidate didn't cry on the campaign trail!"

G: "Well, at least my candidates middle name isn't Hussein!"

B1: "Oh, you did not just go there!"

G: "You're right, I'm sorry. That was low."

B1: "Look, let's just come together and stop fighting. Otherwise McCain will win."

B2: "McCain! Yes!"

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