In recent days we have all witnessed two vomitous eruptions of moral nullity that would tax the powers of a Voltaire or a Vidal to do them proper justice; they quite o'er-crow the meager gifts of a hack like me. But I will sketch a few observations here nonetheless, if only to add one more small voice to those few who bear witness to the evils perpetrated by our unaccountable leaders.
last week, Blair gave an interview to a friendly, timorous chat-show host in which he made the brazen admission – no, the proud boast – that
all this WMD guff is meaningless. He would have found "other arguments" to persuade Britons to follow George W. Bush into the war that American militarists had long been planning.
Obama's Peace Prize speech
A narcissist's defense
soaring proclamation of American exceptionalism, in a setting supposedly devoted to universal principles of peace
breathtaking in its chutzpah
1 Kommentar:
Barack Obama is not the Messiah nor an absolute ruler to defy the prevailing ideologies of the US-American society. There’s no cure for exceptionalism and egocentricity -- unless it will have been over-egging the pudding, followed by its (terrible) implosion.
Well, at least the speeches of the present president are dulcet, which is an anodyne to make Bush's cacophonic blubbering forget. That's why I still cherish Mr. Obama in my bosom.
Cheer up, (US-)Americans, stop rattling and jouncing your President! Tell him: Barack, you can!
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