"Jus Ad Bellum" - Seven Myths That Sustain War

clipped from psysr.wordpress.com
1. Democracy at Home:
governed not by the people nor for the people, but by special interest groups whose wealth and power permits them to keep their interests, especially those within the military-industrial-congressional-educational-media complex
2. Capitalism:
perpetuates extensive wealth inequities and permits the exploitation of people, natural resources, and the sanctity of life.
3. Exporting Democracy and Imperialism:
The guise of exporting democracy permits the United States to establish an imperialistic presence and privilege across the world.
4. Diversity:
Equality is not present because opportunities are denied. Racism is widespread and is often institutionalized.
5. Corruption:
within the military-industrial-congressional complex
6. Peace and Imperialism:
desire to become an imperialistic global power.
7. Citizen Rights, Secrecy, and National Security:
mass communication surveillance, illegal acts, and assassinations
The Socialization of a Culture of War
Jus Ad Bellum " the argument of a “just war” " is among the most specious and dangerous rationalizations that can be made to justify actions since it also authorizes any nation or group to use war to pursue and justify its actions.

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