Choosing not to have sex

Who says you have to have sex?!
Choosing not to is your right! You can choose not to just for today or just for this month. You can choose to wait as long as you’d like to! It’s your decision. Choosing not to have sex doesn’t mean you won’t ever have sex. And when you do you’ll need information about contraception and condoms.
The Politics of Abstinence
Unfortunately, some far-right conservatives believe you should ONLY learn about the “abstinence-until-marriage” approach to sexuality. They believe students should be taught abstinence-until-marriage programs, which censor information about contraception and condoms; make moral judgments students may not share; stigmatize and shame students who have already had sex
These extremists are willing to sacrifice the health and rights of our generation. Choosing not to have sex is one excellent option. But it should be an informed, positive choice. We all have the right to all the information we need to make decisions about sex.

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